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The accuracy and clinical utility of intraoperative frozen section analysis in open biopsy of bone

Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons May 30, 2019

Wallace MT, et al. - Via this retrospective review, researchers assessed the accuracy and clinical benefit of intraoperative frozen section during open bone biopsy. From 474 patients, 485 open biopsies of osseous lesions were reviewed. The accuracy rates of frozen section analysis vs final pathology were determined by studying pathology reports, operative notes, and prebiopsy imaging. They also carried out Pearson chi-squared and Fisher exact tests. In about one half of open biopsy cases, frozen section analysis was found to be diagnostic. The usefulness of frozen section analysis as an aid for intraoperative decision making (clinical utility) was suggested in 75.4% of cases by additional information in equivocal positive results.
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