The 6-o'clock anchor increases labral repair strength in a biomechanical shoulder instability model
Arthroscopy Aug 11, 2019
Bokshan SL, et al. - Twelve cadaveric shoulders were tested on a 6-df robotic musculoskeletal simulator by the experts in order to identify the additive impact of a 6-o'clock anchor in the stabilization of a Bankart lesion. The addition of a 6-o'clock anchor provided the greatest peak resistance force in the group with no bone loss, and its peak force was significantly higher in comparison with those with the standard Bankart repair by 15.8%. A significantly greater peak resistance force was noticed in the repair with the addition of a 6-o'clock anchor vs the group with the bone loss with a Bankart lesion, with subcritical glenoid bone loss. However, the 6-o'clock anchor did enhance the strength of the standard repair by 6.7%, this was not statistically important in the bone loss model. Hence, in a biomechanical model, the addition of a 6-o'clock suture anchor to a 3-anchor Bankart repair improved the peak resistance force to displacement, however, this impact was lost with subcritical bone loss.
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