The 10-year outcomes of the ASR XL Acetabular System: A single-center experience from China
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Jun 02, 2019
Jin G, et al. - Via this retrospective analysis, researchers report a single-center experience from China on clinical outcomes and the risk factors of revision surgery in patients with articular surface replacement (ASR) implants who were observed for a longer duration (10 years). Overall 74 patients (74 hips) were included. After a longer follow-up period, increased rates of revision were revealed by assessment of the DePuy ASR XL (ASR XL is a metal-on-metal bearing surface implant) articulation. There was a correlation of high acetabular abduction angle and serum chromium (Cr) and cobalt (Co) concentration with worse clinical outcomes and high revision rate. Thus, a more close follow-up is recommended in patients with DePuy ASR XL implants vs in those with other implants, this advice particularly applies to those with high acetabular abduction angle and serum Cr or Co concentration.
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