Term cesarean delivery in the first pregnancy is not associated with an increased risk for preterm delivery in the subsequent pregnancy
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Mar 02, 2019
Vahanian SA, et al. - Researchers investigated if term cesarean delivery in the first pregnancy is associated with subsequent spontaneous or indicated preterm delivery via conducting a retrospective cohort study of women with the first two consecutive singleton deliveries (2007-2014) identified from a linked pregnancy database at a single institution. They identified a total of 6,456 linked pregnancies, of which they matched 2,284 deliveries; 1142 were preceded by cesarean delivery and 1142 were preceded by vaginal delivery. They identified no correlation of cesarean delivery with an increase in preterm delivery, spontaneous or indicated, in the subsequent pregnancy, after robust adjustment for confounders through a propensity score analysis related to the indication for the first cesarean delivery at term.
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