Ten-year survival and seven-year functional results of cementless Oxford unicompartmental knee replacement
The Knee Aug 30, 2018
Campi S, et al. - Experts presented the ten-year survival and seven-year clinical outcome of cementless Oxford unicompartmental knee replacement (OUKR). A safe and reproducible procedure was the cementless OUKR. This procedure had excellent 10-year survival and clinical results in the hands of both the designer and independent surgeons. However, the cause of the pain was uncertain, there were four revisions for pain: in one there was tibial overhang and in two there was patellofemoral degeneration, which possibly contributed to the pain. No deep infections were noted. At a mean follow-up of 7.0 years, the mean OKS improved from 23 (SD 8) to 42 (SD 7).
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