Task shifting of intraocular injections from physicians to nurses: A randomized single-masked noninferiority study
Acta Ophthalmologica Jul 13, 2019
Bolme S, et al. - In this randomized single-masked noninferiority study involving 342, experts aspired to explore whether task shifting of intraocular injections to nurses in a real-world setting can result in similar visual function outcome with equal safety profile. This is the first randomized controlled trial on task shifting of a surgical procedure from doctors to nurses in a high-income country. Investigators found that nurse-administered intraocular injections were non-inferior to physician-administered injections with 0.7 and 1.6 letters gained, respectively. Findings suggested that task shifting of intraocular injections to nurses can be carried out without increased visual function risk. Such a task shift in ophthalmology departments can alleviate the burden of performing intraocular injections.
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