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Tamoxifen vs clomiphene citrate for ovulation induction in infertile women

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Jun 20, 2018

Jie L, et al. - The clinical efficacy of tamoxifen with that of clomiphene citrate (CC) was compared in anovulatory patients via performing this systematic review. Analyzing 12 studies involving 1302 patients with 2030 ovulation-induction cycles, researchers identified no statistically significant differences for the ovulation and pregnancy rates in the tamoxifen comparing to the CC group. However, in the subgroup of case-control studies, tamoxifen was identified to be associated with higher ovulation and pregnancy rates than CC. However, there appeared no differences in the subgroup of RCTs, even after sensitivity analyses. In addition, endometrial thickness and miscarriage rate were not significantly different. This study suggests that TMX and CC could have some distinctions regarding the efficacy for ovulation and pregnancy rates.
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