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Systemic exposure to intracameral vs topical mydriatic agents: In cataract surgery

Clinical Ophthalmology May 10, 2019

Guell J, et al. - This investigation compares the systemic exposure to tropicamide/phenylephrine following intracameral or topical administration before cataract surgery. Mass spectrometric HPLC technique was used to determine the mydriatic plasma of 15 patients in each group before and after administration. A single dose of 200µL was given to the intracameral fixed combination of mydriatics and anesthetic ([ICMA] patients outlining an exposure to tropicamide of 0.04 mg and phenylephrine of 0.62 mg. Findings suggested that with ICMA, systemic exposure to tropicamide/phenylephrine was lower and cardiovascular (CV) effects were less common. For patients with higher CV risk, this finding can be of much importance.
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