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Switching from glargine+insulin aspart to glargine+insulin aspart 30 before breakfast combined with exercise after dinner and dividing meals for the treatment of type 2 diabetes patients with poor glucose control – A prospective cohort study

BMC Endocrine Disorders Oct 05, 2018

Li J, et al. - In subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and poorly controlled blood glucose levels, an observational prospective single-arm cohort study was conducted to investigate the switch from glargine+once daily insulin aspart (1 + 1 regimen) to glargine+insulin aspart 30 before breakfast combined with exercise. For this investigation, they evaluated fasting blood glucose (FBG), 2-hpostprandial glucose (2hPG), glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), body mass index (BMI), daily insulin dose, and hypoglycemia events. It was noted that the rate of hypoglycemia was 3.76 events/patient-year. According to the findings, switching to glargine+insulin aspart 30 before breakfast combined with exercise after dinner and dividing meals displayed hopeful benefits for patients with poorly controlled T2DM under the 1 + 1 regimen. Sixteen weeks following the switch, improvements were seen in 2hPG levels, HbA1c levels, and the proportions of patients attaining HbA1c targets of 7.5%.

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