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Swept-source OCTA quantification of capillary closure predicts ETDRS severity staging of NPDR

British Journal of Ophthalmology Jan 06, 2021

Santos T, Warren LH, Santos AR, et al. - Experts aspired to explore whether a single or composite set of parameters assessed with optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA), representing retinal capillary closure, can predict non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) staging according to the gold standard ETDRS grading scheme. Using swept-source OCTA (SS-OCTA, PlexElite, Carl Zeiss Meditec) with 15×9 mm and 3×3 mm angiography protocols, 105 patients with diabetes with either no retinopathy or varying degrees of retinopathy (NPDR up to ETDRS grade 53), were prospectively assessed. NPDR severity progression can be identified by retinal capillary closure, quantified by SS-OCTA. In the initial stages of NPDR, it is found primarily in the perifoveal retinal capillary circulation, while in moderate-to-severe NPDR, the retinal midperiphery is mainly affected.

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