Survivorship and radiological analysis of a monoblock, hydroxyapatite coated titanium stem in revision hip arthroplasty
Journal of Arthroplasty Feb 14, 2020
Saunders P, et al. - In this study, the survivorship, incidence of complications, radiological subsidence, proximal stress-shielding, and patient-reported results of a conservative, monoblock, HA-coated femoral stem were explored. Researchers performed retrospective cohort study involving a total of 254 revision hip arthroplasties between January 2006 and June 2016. Seventy-one years was the mean age of individuals. Sixty-two months (range 12-152 months) were the mean length of follow-up. This research validates that this stem gives good survivorship at 6 years, acceptable complication rates, excellent proximal bone loading, low incidences of thigh pain and reliable clinical performance in revision hip arthroplasty.
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