Survival and risk factor analysis of medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy for unicompartment knee osteoarthritis
Arthroscopy Feb 05, 2020
Jin C, et al. - In order to find out the survival rates and to examine the factors that influence survival rate after primary treatment with medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy (MOWHTO) for medial unicompartmental knee osteoarthritis, researchers conducted a retrospective study including a total of 339 knees after a minimum of 5 years' follow-up (mean age was 56 years, and mean follow-up duration was 9.6 years). Before and after surgery, clinical assessment using Knee Society Score and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index score and radiographic evaluation, including mechanical axis, were performed. For young and active individuals, MOWHTO appears to be a good treatment choice with medial knee osteoarthrosis and varus alignment, with acceptable survival rates and satisfactory outcomes. The results indicated that age ≥65 years, grade 4 cartilage damage in the medial compartment, grade ≥2 cartilage damage in lateral compartment, and under-correction of HKA angle seem to be significant risk factors correlated with failure.
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