Surgical site infection following elective orthopedic surgeries in geriatric patients: Incidence and associated risk factors
International Wound Journal Feb 26, 2019
Liang Z, et al. - Between January 2014 and September 2017, researchers examined, the rate of surgical site infection (SSI) after geriatric elective orthopedic surgeries and also recognized the correlated risk factors among 4818 subjects of age 60 years or older. They identified 74 subjects vulnerable to develop SSIs with an overall incidence of SSI, 3.64%, (0.4% for deep and 1.1% for superficial infection). They recorded Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci as the most common causative pathogens. They noted an independent association of following 5 factors with SSI: diabetes mellitus, morbid obesity, tobacco smoking, surgical duration>75th percentile, and ALB < 35.0 g/L. Hence, they suggested optimizing these modifiable risk factors former to surgeries to lessen the risk of SSI.
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