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Surgical outcomes and prognostic factors of drug-resistant epilepsy secondary to encephalomalacia

Epilepsia Apr 18, 2019

He X, et al. - In patients who had surgical resection for drug-resistant epilepsy secondary to encephalomalacia, researchers assessed long-term outcomes and prognostic factors. A total of 143 patients with drug-resistant epilepsy who were surgically resected with at least 5 years of follow-up were assessed. Based on the International League Against Epilepsy classification, seizure outcomes were assessed. To identify the potential predictors of seizure outcomes, univariate analysis and a multivariate logistic regression model were used in a backward fashion. For patients with drug-resistant epilepsy secondary to encephalomalacia, surgical resection is an efficacious treatment. Favorable seizure outcomes were seen in 71.3% of patients 3 months after surgery and in 74.8% of patients 5 years after surgery. Independent predictors of unfavorable seizure outcomes were a monthly seizure frequency of >30 seizures and bilateral ictal onset rhythms as seen in univariate and multivariate analyses. Pre-operative counseling and selection of the best candidates for epilepsy surgery can benefit from knowing the predictors of seizure results in these subjects.

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