Surgical outcomes after minimally invasive release of stroke-related equinovarus contracture of the foot and ankle
The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery Nov 13, 2019
Boffeli TJ, et al. - Researchers prospectively evaluated the efficiency of a minimally invasive, ambulatory approach to correct spastic equinovarus contracture of the foot and ankle, a complex deformity in 12 consecutive individuals. In a weightbearing stance at the 1-year postoperative assessment, all individuals had a preoperative equinovarus foot structure and a rectus foot. No residual or recurrent deformity was exhibited by nine persons, while the incomplete release of digital contractures was presented by three and all individuals were treated with in-office flexor tenotomy. In 12 persons, preoperative maximum ankle dorsiflexion was ≤ 90° and in nine it was >90° postoperatively. In ten cases, the mean visual analog scale score reduced, however, a statistically important reduction was not seen. A statistically notable improvement in the Bristol Foot Score noted. Hence, these outcomes show the efficiency of the minimally invasive, ambulatory surgical procedure to spastic equinovarus contracture without recognized person harm.
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