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Surgical interventions for women with stress urinary incontinence: Systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

BMJ Jun 11, 2019

Imamura M, et al. - Through systematic review and network meta-analysis and 175 relevant randomized controlled trials of 21,598 women with stress urinary incontinence, the researchers sought to compare the benefits and safety of surgical interventions. Post comparison of trans-obturator mid-urethral sling (MUS) with retropubic MUS, data on adverse events indicating a higher rate of repeat surgery and groin pain but a lower rate of suprapubic pain, vascular complications, bladder or urethral perforation, and voiding difficulties were available essentially for mesh procedures. For stress urinary incontinence in the short to medium term, retropubic MUS, trans-obturator MUS, traditional sling, and open colposuspension in comparison to other procedures, were concluded more effective. However, limited data on long term effectiveness and adverse events of MUS and non-MUS procedures were noticed. Complications after surgery for stress urinary incontinence was noted as crucial.
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