Surgical elbow dislocation approach to the distal humerus for apparent capitellar and lateral condyle fractures in adults
Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Feb 25, 2021
Hoyt BW, Clark DM, Walsh SA, et al. - This study was undertaken to explore the relative articular exposure of a surgical dislocation (SD) approach to the distal humerus compared with olecranon osteotomy (OO). Researchers included eight paired elbows from 4 cadavers who had undergone either SD or OO approach. The results of this study exhibited that the surgical elbow dislocation approach to the distal humerus permits near-total exposure of the anterior articular surface and the entire capitellum. The outcomes support this technique for anterior articular fractures of the distal humerus, including those fractures that extend to the medial surface of the trochlea.
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