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Surgical dislocation or the modified Heuter anterior approach for Pipkin I and II femoral head fracture dislocations

Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Dec 04, 2020

Gavaskar AS, Srinivasan P, Jeyakumar B, et al. - A retrospective, multicentre study was conducted to correlate outcomes after surgical treatment of Pipkin I and II femoral head fractures treated with either a surgical dislocation (SD) or a direct anterior approach (the modified Heuter approach). Researchers included a total of 49 individuals operated for Pipkin types I or II femoral head fractures(27) using SD and 22 using the modified Heuter approach. For the treatment of patients with Pipkin, I and, II femoral head fractures, both SD and the modified Heuter approach are effective with comparable radiological and functional outcomes.

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