Surgeon volume and reoperation risk after midurethral sling surgery
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nov 09, 2019
Berger AA, et al. - Researchers investigated how the surgeon’s volume influence their patient’s rate of reoperation after midurethral sling surgery. In this retrospective cohort study, all surgeons who conducted synthetic mesh midurethral sling surgery for stress urinary incontinence at a large managed care organization with > 4.5 million members from 2005–2016 were assessed. During the study period, 227 surgeons performed 13,404 midurethral sling surgeries; patients were followed for a mean duration of 4.4 years. The analysis revealed low reoperation rates for both higher- and lower-volume surgeons, however, there were lower overall rates of reoperation after midurethral sling surgery in correlation to higher-volume surgeons. This effect was particularly noted in correlation to reoperation for surgical failure, in which patients who underwent surgery with a higher-volume surgeon are 25% less likely to have postoperative stress urinary incontinence that leads to reoperation.
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