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Surgeon experience in hip arthroscopy affects surgical time, complication rate, and reoperation rate: A systematic review on the learning curve

Arthroscopy Jul 18, 2020

Go CC, Kyin C, Maldonado DR, et al. - A systematic review was conducted to distinguish the reported learning curves correlated with hip arthroscopy and to assess the impact of the stated learning curves on outcomes, such as complication rates, surgical and traction time, reoperation rates, and patient-reported outcome scores (PROs) improvements. Researchers carried out to search electronic databases PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane by two independent reviewers from inception to January 2020 according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses guidelines.  This study distinguished 15 studies that reported the effect of the learning curve on measures of surgical progress or clinical outcomes. The results of this study demonstrate that progression along the learning curve of hip arthroscopy led to a decrease in complication rates, surgical and traction time, and reoperation rates. Throughout the learning curve, the PROs benefited from surgery. Currently, there is a widespread of cut-off numbers ranging from 20 to over 500, proposed to achieve proficiency.

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