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Supination torque following single- vs double-incision repair of acute distal biceps tendon ruptures

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Oct 19, 2019

Stockton DJ, et al. - Experts hypothesized that double-incision (DI) repair would lead to greater terminal supination torque in comparison with single-incision (SI) repair for acute distal biceps ruptures. The study involved 37 individuals (ie, 15 underwent repair with the DI technique and 22 with the single-incision SI technique). Mean supination torque, with regards the uninfluenced side, in the 60° supinated position, was 61% for DI vs 80% for SI repair. SI repair was related to greater mean supination torque compared with DI repair by 20% in a multivariable linear regression model controlling for arm dominance, age, follow-up time, and workers' compensation status. Hence, in contrast to the hypothesis, for acute distal biceps ruptures repaired with the SI technique, a 20% mean improvement in terminal supination torque was discovered compared with the DI technique. Moreover, for the more discerning, high-demand individual, this result may have clinical importance.
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