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Superiority of thoracolumbar injury classification and severity score (TLICS) over AOSpine thoracolumbar spine injury classification for the surgical management decision of traumatic spine injury in the pediatric population

European Spine Journal Jan 25, 2021

Dauleac C, Mottolese C, Beuriat PA, et al. - This study was attempted to evaluate the reliability, in children, of the thoracolumbar injury classification and severity score system (TLICS) scoring and AOSpine scoring systems, and to characterize the superiority of one of the methods of scoring, to spread its use in routine clinical management in the pediatric spine trauma. Between 2006 and 2019, researchers conducted a retrospective chart review of consecutive children admitted to a Level 1 trauma center for traumatic thoracolumbar fractures. A total of 54 patients were included in the study. Compared with the AOSpine score, the TLICS score was significantly more appropriate, for the surgical treatment decision in children, particularly when considering the future risk of sagittal imbalance.

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