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Superior sealing effect of a three-dimensional printed modified supraglottic airway compared with the i-gel in a three-dimensional printed airway model

Journal of Anesthesia Jul 26, 2018

Kimijima T, et al. - Researchers compared the force exerted by a three-dimensional (3D) printed modified supraglottic airway (mSGA) vs that exerted by the i-gel on a 3D printed airway model. They used computed tomography data from five female Japanese patients to create five 3D printed airway models. They also created a 3D printed mSGA. Thereafter, they compared i-gel and mSGA in terms of the force exerted on the larynx of the 3D printed airway models. They compared tidal volumes with insertion of the airway devices into the 3D printed airway model and administration of different levels of pressure-controlled ventilation (PCV). Based on the findings, they suggested that the method of creating the mSGA proposed by them in this study is applicable to development of novel SGAs that is anatomically more suitable for pharyngolaryngeal structure.
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