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Superior capsular reconstruction of the shoulder: The ABC (Arthroscopic Biceps Chillemi) technique

European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology Jul 21, 2018

Chillemi C, et al. - Experts presented the impacts of ABC (Arthroscopic Biceps Chillemi) technique when used for superior capsular reconstruction (SCR) of the shoulder. The emerging concerns in performing SCR were addressed. Findings suggested that in this technique the presence of the long head of the biceps tendon (LHB), used as an autograft was only one conditio sine qua non. In the presence of some anatomic variations of the intra-articular portion of the LHB and the very rare absence of the tendon or in case of partial or complete rupture of the LHB tendon correlated with a rotator cuff tear, this condition may be interpreted as a disadvantage of this procedure.
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