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suPAR as a marker of infection in acute kidney injury – A prospective observational study

BMC Nephrology Aug 09, 2018

Hall A, et al. - Via a prospective observational study, researchers investigated if soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR: a new sepsis biomarker) has a role in critically ill patients with severe acute kidney injury (AKI). Specifically, they assessed how suPAR and C-reactive protein (CRP) were related, and evaluated suPAR and CRP as diagnostic markers of infection in adult patients (≥ 18 years) with AKI KDIGO stage 2/3 admitted to a multidisciplinary Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in a University Hospital in UK. Outcomes suggest that compared to CRP, suPAR concentrations had better diagnostic and predictive value for detecting infections in critically ill patients with severe AKI. suPAR and CRP concentrations were not significantly correlated with each other.

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