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Suicide case-fatality rates in the United States, 2007 to 2014: A nationwide population-based study

Annals of Internal Medicine Dec 11, 2019

Conner A, et al. - In a cross-sectional study conducted in the United States (2007-2014), data on suicide deaths (n = 309,377; from the National Vital Statistics System) and nonfatal suicide attempts needing treatment in an emergency department (n = 1,791,638 records; from the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample) or hospitalization (n = 1,556,871 records; from the National [Nationwide] Inpatient Sample) among individuals aged ≥ 5 years were pooled to determine overall and method-specific suicide case-fatality rate (CFR). The researchers also assessed the distribution of methods used in suicidal acts by demographic features. The found that the difference in overall suicide CFR between sex and across age groups, regions, and urbanization was chiefly attributed to the distribution of methods used in suicidal acts.

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