Successful optimization of adalimumab therapy in refractory uveitis due to Behcet's disease
Ophthalmology Apr 03, 2018
Martin-Varillas JL, et al. - Researchers sought to evaluate the effectiveness, safety, and cost-effectiveness of adalimumab (ADA) therapy optimization in a large series of subjects having uveitis due to Behcet disease (BD) who achieved remission following the use of ADA. As per the findings, for BD uveitis refractory to conventional therapy, ADA optimization was seen to be effective, safe, and cost-effective. Optimized and nonoptimized groups demonstrated similar ocular outcomes after a mean ± standard deviation follow-up of 34.7±13.3 and 26±21.3 months. Nonetheless, only nonoptimized group showed relevant adverse effects (lymphoma, pneumonia, severe local reaction at the injection site, and bacteremia by Escherichia coli, 1 each).
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