Success of trial of labor in women with a history of previous cesarean section for failed labor induction or labor dystocia: A retrospective cohort study
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth May 28, 2019
Place K, et al. - Researchers conducted a retrospective cohort study of 660 women with a prior cesarean section (CS) for failed labor induction or labor dystocia for evaluating the success of trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC) in these women. In addition, the delivery outcomes were compared according to the stage of labor at time of previous CS and the risk factors for recurrent failed labor induction or labor dystocia were determined. Vaginal delivery was observed in 72.9% of cases and repeat CS for failed induction or labor dystocia was noted in 17.7% cases. Findings support the feasibility of TOLAC as an option to scheduled repeat CS in these women. However, increased risk for failed TOLAC was observed for women with no previous vaginal delivery, maternal height < 160 cm, diabetes or suspected neonatal macrosomia (≥4500 g).
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