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Subthreshold yellow laser for fovea-involving diabetic macular edema in a series of patients with good vision: Effectiveness and safety of a fovea-sparing technique

BMC Ophthalmology Jul 10, 2020

Filloy A, et al. - Given that patients with center-involved diabetic macular edema (CI-DME) with good visual acuity (VA) represent a controversial clinical scenario in which a subthreshold laser may be a reasonable approach, researchers reported a case series of individuals with CI-DME with VA better than 20/32 who were treated with a subthreshold 577 nm (yellow) laser. In total, 23 eyes from 19 patients were treated. Data reported that VA ranged from 20/20 to 20/30. In this case series, a fovea-sparing yellow subthreshold laser was safe and effective in treating CI-DME patients with good VA. This technique is of interest to prevent mild edema development and can eliminate or limit the use of more invasive and costly therapies. Excluding the fovea from the treated area does not seem to impact the performance, which novel laser practitioners are interested in.

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