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Study on the prevalence of vascular calcification in different types of arteries and influencing factors in maintenance peritoneal dialysis patients

Blood Purification Feb 03, 2019

Niu Q, et al. - In 154 patients with maintenance peritoneal dialysis (PD), with mean age 60.4 ± 13.9 years, median PD duration 24 (16.39) months, and 78 were males, researchers determined the prevalence of vascular calcification (VC) in different types of arteries well as its influencing factors by using a logistic regression model. Diabetic nephropathy was documented as the major primary disease. PD patients were found to have a higher occurrence of large artery calcification, compared with others. The occurrence of VC was most likely to be seen in the abdominal aorta, among different sites of VC. A low proportion of small artery calcification was noted. Even in the absence of calcification of large artery, calcification of medium and small arteries could be observed. Risk factors for large artery calcification were older age, longer dialysis duration, lower baseline serum intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) levels and higher Charlson comorbidity index (CCI) scores. Small and medium artery calcification were more likely to occur among patients with higher CCI scores, higher baseline triglycerides (TG) and lower baseline iPTH, and time-average iPTH.
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