Strengthening routine immunization in Papua New Guinea: A cross-sectional provincial assessment of front-line services
BMC Public Health Jan 31, 2020
Morgan CJ, Saweri OPM, Larme N, et al. - By performing a cross-sectional evaluation in East New Britain Province, over 2016 and 17, including 12 rural health facilities, staff and clients, researchers describe immunization service provision in order to review a novel national strategy and consider how routine immunization could be better strengthened. They reported strengths as well as weaknesses across six classes of program performance important to national immunization strategy and global standards. Findings revealed that most local gaps were addressed by the national strategy, but there is a need for greater commitment for implementation and resourcing. A major increase in centrally-allocated resources is needed in order to ensure long-term strengthening, however, within current resources, immediate locally feasible steps exist that could promote coverage and quality of routine immunization particularly via better population-based local planning, and stronger community engagement. Areas, where vaccination campaigns in Papua New Guinea can contribute to routine immunization services, were also suggested.
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