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Statin use among Veterans with dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease

Hemodialysis International Jul 11, 2019

Markossian TW, et al. - In this cross-sectional analysis, researchers assessed statin use and statin dose among Veterans with dialysis dependent CKD. For Veterans with dialysis-dependent CKD enrolled in and/or utilizing Veteran's Affairs healthcare, medication use was determined by joining data from the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs Managerial Cost Accounting Pharmacy National Data Extracts and Medicare Part D during calendar year 2013. Overall, 18,494 Veterans were identified. Participants had no history of kidney transplantation. Statin use was reported in more than half (58.1%) of Veterans and 35.7% of statin use was high dose. Overall, prescribing statins for Veterans receiving maintenance dialysis was reported as a common practice. In this population, nearly one-third of statin utilization was high dose.
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