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State-level variation in opioid prescribing after knee arthroscopy among the opioid-naïve in the USA: 2015-2019

BMJ Open Aug 28, 2020

Ukert B, Huang Y, Sennett B, et al. - A retrospective cohort study was conducted to present the state-level variation in opioid prescribing after a knee arthroscopy among opioid-naïve patients. Between 2015 and 2019, researchers included a total of 98,623 individuals across the USA with commercial insurance who were opioid-naïve and had knee arthroscopy. They assessed opioid prescriptions as a pharmacy claim for filling an opioid within 3 days of knee arthroscopy. The patient and state-level opioid prescribing rate, tablet count, morphine milligram equivalent dose per prescription, and risk-adjusted predicted opioid quantity were assessed. They observed wide variation in the likelihood of receiving a prescription, depending on the state of residence. It was reported that the dosages prescribed were high and have been correlated with the transition to long-term use. These data imply that there is substantial opportunity for the development of guidelines to decrease variability in opioid prescribing for this common ambulatory procedure.

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