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Stand-alone coracoclavicular suture repair achieves very good results in unstable distal clavicle fractures at a minimum follow-up of one year

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Jan 25, 2021

Laux CJ, Villefort C, El Nashar R, et al. - This study was carried out to report the clinical and radiological outcome of a consecutive series of patients treated by a stand-alone coracoclavicular stabilization using a so-called cow-hitch technique with a suture anchor. Researchers included 99 patients who treated with a specific surgical technique for distal clavicle fractures (11 left, 8 right) with either rupture or bony avulsion of the coracoclavicular ligaments. The data demonstrated that for unstable distal clavicle fractures, coracoclavicular stand-alone cow-hitch suture repair is a minimally invasive fixation technique without prominent hardware that allows for an anatomic reduction and stable fixation with a low complication and high bony union rate. The study found satisfactory radiographic and clinical long-term results.

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