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Stability of clinically relevant depression symptoms in old age across 11 cohorts: A multi-state study

Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Oct 11, 2019

de la Torre-Luque A, de la Fuente J, Sanchez-Niubo A, et al. - Using data from the Ageing Trajectories of Health – Longitudinal Opportunities and Synergies project, researchers analyzed the temporal dynamics of depression symptom episodes in old age and the related influence of risk factors. The study sample consisted of 41,362 old adults (mean age was 75.30). Over an 18-year period, depressive symptoms were followed. According to findings, nearly 85% of participants reported no depression, but over time the rate decreased. Data reported that new episode point prevalence was over 5.30% with a significant possibility of moving to persistence status. Loneliness has been shown to be the strongest predictor of episode emergence and persistence. Depression in the old age appears to become chronic and unremitting. This research can help plan strategies to resolve the severity of symptoms and the impact of the risk factor.
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