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Sporotrichosis: A clinicopathologic study of 89 consecutive cases, literature review, and new insights about their differential diagnosis

The American Journal of Dermatopathology Sep 25, 2020

Pereira MA, Freitas RJ, Nascimento SB, et al. - Researchers sought to characterize the clinicopathologic and epidemiological aspects of sporotrichosis, the most common and least severe of deep mycoses. Based on records from the dermatopathology service of a university hospital in Brazil, they performed a cross-sectional and retrospective, individually based, observational study of a total of 175 patients with clinical suspicion of sporotrichosis, from 2009 to 2017. Of these patients, 86 (49.14%) were sporotrichosis, 39 (22.29%) chronic granulomatous inflammatory processes of unidentified etiology, and 5 squamous cell carcinomas (2.86%). Both cumulative and linear growth was observed in the sporotrichosis cases, especially in the group above 60 years. Several times, dermatologists misdiagnosed sporotrichosis as squamous cell carcinomas, so it should be considered as an important differential diagnose due to the current context of skin cancers.

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