Spontaneous and iatrogenic preterm birth rates among unselected women in three consecutive pregnancies
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Jun 16, 2018
Kamphuis EI, et al. - The risk of sPTB and iPTB were assessed in women with three consecutive singleton pregnancies. Researchers also assessed the impact of the outcome of the 1st and 2nd pregnancy on the (recurrent) PTB risk in the 3rd pregnancy. Studying a population with three subsequent singleton deliveries within 10 year suggested a decreased incidence of PTB with 50% from the 1st to the 2nd pregnancy, to then stay relatively stable in the 3rd pregnancy. For the occurrence of PTB in the 3rd pregnancy, PTB in the 2nd pregnancy was found to be more predictive when compared to PTB in the 1st pregnancy.
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