Spinal cord float back is not an independent predictor of postoperative C5 palsy in patients undergoing posterior cervical decompression
The Spine Journal Oct 29, 2019
Pennington Z, Lubelski D, Westbroek EM, et al. - In this retrospective cohort of 242 individuals ≥ 18 years of age who underwent posterior cervical decompression between 2002 and 2017 for degenerative cervical spine pathologies, experts assessed whether C5 palsy could be prognosticated via spinal cord float back. On multivariable analysis, spinal cord float back was not found out an independent predictor of C5 palsy. Just smaller foraminal diameter was independently prognosticated of postoperative C5 palsy. thus, this proposes that the greatest contributor to the etiology of postoperative C5 palsy could be chronic preoperative compression of the C5 roots and not postdecompression float back.
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