Soft tissue microcirculation around the healthy Achilles tendon: A cross-sectional study focusing on the Achilles tendon and dorsal surgical approaches to the hindfoot
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Jun 14, 2018
Klos K, et al. - Researchers assessed the microperfusion of three possible posterior approaches to the hindfoot and different areas of the Achilles tendon. Compared to the microcirculation centrally on the tendon, soft tissue microcirculation on the lateral and medial side of the healthy Achilles tendon was better. Proximally, compared to the medial approach, the lateral approach was better. Advantages regarding the surgical approach could be provided by these circumstances. Significantly reduced microperfusion at the typical side of degeneration and rupture was exhibited by the Achilles tendon. This circumstance could be a probable cause of degenerative processes.
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