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Soft drink consumption and periodontal status in pregnant women

Journal of Periodontology Feb 22, 2019

Menezes CC, et al. - A sum of 1185 women were examined to evaluate the relationship between soft drink consumption and periodontal status during pregnancy in this cross-sectional study nested in BRISA (Brazilian Ribeirao Preto and Sao Luis Birth Cohort Studies). They calculated periodontal status [the number of teeth with probing depth ≥4 mm with bleeding on probing (PD/BOP) or with clinical attachment level ≥4 mm (CAL)]. They observed an association of higher tertile of consumption of soft drinks during pregnancy with PD/BOP. They also noted a correlation between the highest tertile of diastolic blood pressure and CAL. Overall, they suggested beverage consumption, a constituent contributing to systemic inflammatory burden and adverse pregnancy outcomes.
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