Socioeconomic deprivation, technology use, C‐peptide, smoking and other predictors of glycaemic control in adults with type 1 diabetes
Diabetic Medicine Nov 05, 2020
Dover AR, Strachan MWJ, McKnight JA, et al. - This study was undertaken to investigate the clinical and demographic factors associated with meeting glycaemic targets in type 1 diabetes. A cross‐sectional analysis was designed to include a total of 4,594 individuals with type 1 diabetes. The primary endpoint included assessing factors associated with meeting HbA1c targets. Factors associated with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion use and persistent C‐peptide secretion were considered secondary endpoints. The data exhibited that lower levels of deprivation, non‐smoking, higher C‐peptide, technology use, lower BMI, and male gender were all associated with a higher likelihood of meeting HbA1c targets. In the most deprived individuals, access to proven diabetes treatments is lower. Urgent efforts are needed to serve treatments that are effective across the socioeconomic gradient.
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