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Smoking is associated with increased complications and readmission following extensor mechanism repair

Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy Jan 10, 2019

Althoff AD, et al. - Researchers studied the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) database to classify 5208 subjects who underwent an extensor mechanism repair from 2005 to 2016 to assess the hazard of smoking on postoperative complexities after an extensor mechanism repair. They compared smokers (young males with lower BMIs) to nonsmokers. They observed an association of tobacco use with a 1–2% increase in surgical complications following repair of extensor mechanism injuries. Smokers were noted with an elevated risk for deep infections and hospital readmission. Pre-identification of such individuals could help the surgeons to advise accurately about perioperative risks and optimization of results following extensor mechanism repair.
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