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Smoking and trimalleolar fractures are risk factors for infection after open reduction and internal fixation of closed ankle fractures: A multicenter retrospective study of 1,201 fractures

Injury Apr 16, 2021

Sato T, Takegami Y, Sugino T, et al. - This study was carried out to assess postoperative function and verify the risk factors correlated with postoperative wound infection in patients receiving the open reduction and internal fixation for ankle fracture through a multicenter study. In this study, 1,201 patients (men, n=512, women, n=689; the mean (SD) age, 50.9 (15.6) years; the mean body mass index [BMI] (SD), 24.3 (4.2) kg/m2) were included, among 1,421 patients diagnosed as having closed ankle fracture and who were treated by surgical therapy in 11 institutions from 2014 through 2019. It was shown that at 5.7%, the rate of postoperative wound infection in closed ankle fracture was not low. The study found staphylococcus as the most frequent causative organism. After surgery, the surgeon should pay attention to infection in the patients who had a trimalleolar fracture or smoking habits.

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