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Smoking and total hip arthroplasty: increased inpatient complications, costs, and length of stay

Journal of Arthroplasty Apr 28, 2019

Debbi EM, et al. - Researchers evaluated the inpatient complications and supplementary costs of smokers undergoing total hip arthroplasty (THA) in the United States in 2014. They recorded 20.7% of the smoking rate. They observed slightly yet significantly younger smokers as compared to that of nonsmokers (63.5 years vs 64.8 years). Significantly longer hospital stay and higher total hospital costs were estimated in the smoking group. The significantly higher odds ratio for myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, sepsis, acute renal failure, discharge to a skilled nursing facility, and mortality were found in smokers after using a multivariable logistic model adjusting for age, gender, and comorbidities.
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