Sleep quality and fatigue in women with premature ovarian insufficiency receiving hormone therapy: A comparative study
Menopause Oct 06, 2019
Benetti-Pinto CL, et al. - Women with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) receiving hormone therapy (HT) were compared with women of the same age with preserved ovarian function regarding sleep quality and fatigue. In this cross-sectional study, researchers included 61 women with POI receiving HT (POI group) and 61 women with preserved ovarian function (control group) who were matched by age (±2 years). Using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Chalder Fatigue Scale, they assessed sleep quality and fatigue. The groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney, chi-square, or Fisher test apart from correlation analysis. Outcomes revealed poor sleep quality among women with POI receiving HT. Longer time was taken by them to fall asleep and a higher fatigue index was reported among them.
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