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Skeletal muscle mass is associated with erythropoietin response in hemodialysis patients

BMC Nephrology Apr 21, 2021

Takata T, Mae Y, Yamada K, et al. - Researchers investigated hemodialysis patients to determine the link between erythropoietin stimulating agent (ESA) responsiveness and skeletal muscle mass in these patients in this cross-sectional analysis. Participants were 70 patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis who were managed with ESA. Experts assessed ESA responsiveness via erythropoietin resistance index (ERI), computed as a weekly dose of ESA divided by body weight and hemoglobin (IU/kg/week/dL), and a weekly dose of ESA/hemoglobin (IU/week/dL). Transferrin saturation (TSAT), zinc, as well as skeletal muscle mass were shown to be related to ERI and weekly ESA dose/hemoglobin, in multiple linear regression analysis. Overall, experts identified that ESA responsiveness as well as TSAT and zinc, all were independently predicted by skeletal muscle mass. Sarcopenia was revealed as another target for anemia treatment in hemodialysis patients.

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