Size and stabilization of the dorsoulnar fragment in AO C3-type distal radius fractures
Injury Aug 09, 2019
Miyashima Y, et al. - The size of the dorsoulnar fragments in AO C3-type distal radius fractures was measured three-dimensionally using CT in order to assess how the size and stabilization of the dorsoulnar fragment are related with postoperative fracture displacement after volar locking plate fixation. Among 101 consecutive Japanese patients who underwent surgical treatment for AO C3-type distal radius fractures, researchers observed the mean dorsoulnar fragment size of 9 mm × 8 mm × 11 mm and the occupying ratio of the dorsoulnar fragment to the distal radioulnar joint and radiocarpal joint of 50% and 10%, respectively. Volar locking plate fixation was performed in 77 patients; of these, 12 patients had postoperative displacements. Observations revealed no correlation of the size of the dorsoulnar fragment with postoperative displacement, however, there was a significant association of stabilization following screw insertion into the dorsoulnar fragment with displacement.
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