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Size and shape of the four-chamber view of the fetal heart in fetuses with an estimated fetal weight less than the tenth centile

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nov 09, 2019

Hobbins JC, et al. - Researchers sought to ascertain the number of fetuses with an abnormal size and shape of the 4-chamber view and size of the ventricles in fetuses with an estimated fetal weight < 10th centile. They studied 50 fetuses between 25 and 37 weeks of gestation with an estimated fetal weight < 10th centile in this retrospective study. These fetuses exhibited higher rates of abnormalities of cardiac size and shape of the 4-chamber view; this was noted regardless of their umbilical artery pulsatility index and cerebroplacental ratio measurements. Larger and wider measurements of the 4-chamber view were recorder for those with a normal umbilical artery pulsatility index and an abnormal cerebroplacental ratio. In addition, a more globular or round shape of the 4-chamber view was observed in these fetuses relative to controls. The risk of perinatal complications and childhood and/or adult cardiovascular disease may be higher in these fetuses. Screening tools derived from the 4-chamber view, acting as surrogates for ventricular dysfunction, may assist in recognizing fetuses requiring comprehensive testing and future preventive interventions.
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