Single vs dual Kirschner wires for closed reduction and intramedullary nailing of displaced fractures of the fifth metacarpal neck (1-2 KiWi): A randomized controlled trial
The Bone & Joint Journal Oct 11, 2019
Eisenschenk A, Spitzmüller R, Güthoff C, et al. - In a multicentre, parallel-group, randomized controlled noninferiority trial done at 12 tertiary trauma centers in Germany, a total of 290 individuals with acute displaced fractures of the fifth metacarpal neck were randomized to either intramedullary single-wire (n = 146) or dual-wire fixation (n = 144) in order to examine whether clinical and radiological outcomes following intramedullary nailing of displaced fractures of the fifth metacarpal neck using a single thick Kirschner wire (K-wire) were noninferior in comparison with technically more demanding fixation with two thinner dual wires. For intramedullary fixation of acute displaced subcapital fractures of the fifth metacarpal neck, a single thick K-wire was concluded to be adequate. Moreover, in comparison with the dual-wire approach, the less technically demanding single-wire procedure provided noninferior clinical and radiological results.
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