Single-stage posterior debridement, decompression and transpedicular screw fixation for the treatment of thoracolumbar junction (T12-L1) tuberculosis with the associated neurological deficit: A multicentre retrospective study
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Mar 08, 2019
Zeng Y, et al. - Researchers examined the tolerability and effectiveness of single-stage posterior debridement, decompression, and transpedicular screw fixation to manage thoracolumbar junction (T12-L1) tuberculosis in outpatients with correlated neurological deficiency. They recorded 354 ± 291 mL of average blood loss. They reported correction in average kyphosis angle of 21 ± 9° preoperatively to 9 ± 4° postoperatively with a mean reduction in pain visual analog score (pVAS) and Oswestry disability index (ODI) scores of 3.4 and 16, respectively. For 5 subjects, the postoperative ASIA grading was grade A, grade C for 15 and grade D for 49 subjects, which further improved to grade C for 4 candidates, grade D for 3 cases and grade E for 62 cases at the final follow-up.
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